Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dear Facebook, I accept checks and money orders

Can I have an honest moment? Even though I've taken a break from teaching, the language arts teacher in me is often activated  when reading articles, brochures, flyers, anything. But, there is one specific medium that I visit frequently and leisurely where I am bombarded with so many grammatical errors that it makes me cringe. You've most likely already guessed it. It's you, Facebook.

I understand that when someone is excited to share something they may absentmindedly hit send without checking, but Facebook does allow you to edit your post. Facebook, thank you for this. Even I have used this option on a few occasions. But, it’s time that you step up and do more. You are only considering those of us who took advantage of the writing process while in school. It doesn't appear that you have taken into consideration the many former students who took advantage of copying and pasting.

I have a suggestion that will help resolve this problem and take away the tension and confusion of reading incomprehensible (and possibly embarrassing) Facebook updates.  Now before I make this suggestion, I’d like to make it known that I offer my services to assist with the execution of this plan. Here's my suggestion: Add spellcheck and grammar check options. You know, like Microsoft Word. I understand that most people use a lot of slang and text lingo, but the Minion meme below is real. It may help out tremendously.

As for adding grammar check, you would be a part of a movement that educates multiple generations and be proud.  Words and phrases with improper grammar can be indicated with an underline or highlight. This would bring it to the author's attention. He could opt to correct it on his own or use a recommendation provided by you. Just look at the good you would be doing.  I wouldn't have to struggle to comprehend what a seemingly poetic or intellectually deep status update means and the author can effectively get his point across.

So there it is. I try my best to not judge, but I studied language arts and am a reader. It's difficult to overlook. I'd like to think that I'm not alone in this. Again Facebook, consider the good you'd be doing and feel free to contact me via my blog if you need any assistance. Have a healthy happy honest day!

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