Thursday, November 5, 2015

Why I don’t feel like teaching today

Early in my teaching career, I worked at a high school that made people gasp when I told them that I worked there. It was no big deal to me. I did not encounter many disciplinary issues at all. However, the majority of the students that I taught were not motivated to learn. Each one had their own story and I understood, but on this one occasion I was a bit fed up.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dear Facebook, I accept checks and money orders

Can I have an honest moment? Even though I've taken a break from teaching, the language arts teacher in me is often activated  when reading articles, brochures, flyers, anything. But, there is one specific medium that I visit frequently and leisurely where I am bombarded with so many grammatical errors that it makes me cringe. You've most likely already guessed it. It's you, Facebook.

Monday, November 2, 2015

My Apology to Cart Ditchers (but not all of them!)

I'd like to believe that I am not usually one to beat a dead horse, but I deeply believe that it is my civic duty to maintain order at shopping centers worldwide. Well today I observed an exception to my previous post which cursed all of the careless shopping cart ditchers who breed chaos in our society.